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This Is How Gyms Should Be Taking Advantage Of Technology

This Is How Gyms Should Be Taking Advantage Of Technology

This Is How Gyms Should Be Taking Advantage Of Technology

MYZONE lets you track your heart rate zones and earn MYZONE Effort Points to compete with friends. Image credit: MYZONE.

As I shared in my very first piece, the decision-making diet, a big part of my daily routine is exercise. I’m constantly looking for better ways to improve my body and wellbeing. Technology is a huge motivator, I use my iPhone to check my program, log my workouts and check my heart rate. But it requires some effort to monitor everything manually.
Today I’m talking to Emmett Williams, president and co-founder of global wearable technology brand MYZONE – the fitness tracker that rewards effort.

Can you tell me more about yourself and what you do?
I moved from Australia to the US in 2011 to manage MYZONE through the developmental phase of its commercial existence. After 2 years of beta with the product, and 2 years of establishing the right value proposition through a significant amount of market interface, I led the company through its ‘go to market’ phase in 2013/14, seeing the system installed in over 2,000 health clubs in 17 different countries. The platform is currently attracting tens of thousands of new users every month, changing behavior one exercise at a time.
I’m now focused on leading the global team at MYZONE through the growth phase of the lifecycle, one supported by a recently remodeled digital platform, a USP that provides true value to both the channel partners and the end user.

How should gyms be taking advantage of technology?
Adopting technology is important for gyms looking to keep customers coming back and increase lifetime value. Gym-goers look for more than just a space to exercise—they look for motivation. Technology is a great motivator, whether it’s motivation to change effort levels or motivation to meet a goal.

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